Health & Protection Insurance Blog - Usay Compare

6 Key Benefits of Health Insurance

Written by Jess Bullock | 13, Mar, 2025

Whether you’re new to health insurance, or you already have a policy and want to make the most of it, we’re exploring some key benefits of health insurance.



1. Skipping the NHS Waiting List

One of the most well known and valuable benefits of private health insurance is that you don't have to wait in the NHS waiting list, for what the NHS deems as non-urgent treatments.

It can be concerning to hear the ongoing news about the state of the NHS. We may start to think about to what would happen if we did get ill or injured and how long we'd have to wait to get back to the same level of health.

Skipping the waiting lists means you can usually get treatment quicker once you've had a diagnosis and get back to living the life you love. Being on a long waiting list can also have knock on effects on our health, both physically and mentally and other aspects of our lives.

It's important to also note that whilst you may be able to skip waiting lists for some treatments, the NHS will always be there for you to use when you need it, for example, in emergencies or for chronic conditions. 

2. Choice of Private Hospitals

Having a health insurance policy gives you access to a choice of private hospitals to be treated at.

All insurers have a list of approved hospitals you can choose to attend for treatment. Although it may seem like an obvious benefit, this can make all the difference in ensuring you feel comfortable in hospital.

You can also have peace of mind you'll get a private en-suite room. Being in hospital can be daunting, so having extra comfort can make it a more pleasant experience.

You can also choose hospitals that work best in terms of location for you and your family.

Guided hospital options are a popular choice to include on policies, especially when looking to get cover at a lower price.

Typically, the insurer will offer you a select list of local consultants/hospitals to choose from, rather than you sourcing the consultants/hospitals yourself from a full countrywide list. This usually helps to lower premiums.

3. Cancer Cover

Possibly the most valuable benefit of health insurance is comprehensive cancer cover, which most health insurance providers will include in their core cover.

Around 420,000 new cancer cases are expected in the UK between 2023 and 2025. Having cancer cover could be fundamental in our lives and getting quicker access to treatment if needed.

Having cancer cover included in your policy can provide real peace of mind that if you were to get diagnosed, you’d have support throughout your entire journey, including follow-up support.

Some key components of cancer cover include:

  • Access to breakthrough cancer drugs and treatments that aren't yet available on the NHS.
  • Access to the private network of specialist cancer centres, private hospitals and consultants.
  • Potential early diagnosis, some insurance policies offer additional cancer screenings.
  • Quicker access to cancer care and possibly treatment at home (depending on the insurer and opinion of the doctor or consultant).

Learn more about what you can expect from cancer cover with health insurance in our recent blog.

3. Mental Health & Well-being Support

Another key benefit of health insurance is the mental health and well-being support.

Most insurers typically offer mental health services within their policy which can include around the clock support for mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression and stress.

This can also often include mental health teams available 24/7 who can refer users to a specialist. These are a benefit of health insurance not to be overlooked and can help us to stay on top of our well-being.

Other lifestyle and well-being services are also complimentary in policies with many insurers and can include:

  • Healthy eating and diet support
  • Support and motivation to be more active
  • Stress counselling helplines
  • Health and wellness helplines

This can also include access to mental health support apps. For example, Vitality offer a 12-month subscription to the Headspace app which includes: music and guided meditations, sleep sounds and stories and relaxing yoga sessions.

Lifestyle support may also include diet and nutrition advice. For example, The Exeter offer access to lifestyle and nutrition consultations, designed to help with stress management, improving sleep and motivation to exercise.

They also offer registered dietitian consultations which can help you improve your health and well-being, including working with special dietary needs due to health conditions such as coeliac disease.

These health insurance benefits can really help to improve our well-being as a whole and help us to lead a healthier lifestyle. It's worth considering what benefits are important to you when planning to take out a policy or even when switching to a new policy provider. 

4. Digital GP Services

Most health insurance policies will come with access to a digital GP service, these are an effective way to get quick answers and advice to put your mind at ease.

Some of the benefits of a digital GP service are:

  • Consultations via video or phone with qualified doctors
  • Professional medical advice, follow-ups and prescriptions
  • 24/7 availability and flexibility, to suit you and your schedule
  • No queues to book appointments
  • Unlimited uses of this service without affecting your claims status

The digital GP service can be an important lifeline to providing peace of mind that you have access to support or advice whenever you need it. This can be a great addition to a policy to help you stay on top of your health too and can be particularly beneficial when you could be waiting around two weeks for a GP appointment with the NHS. 

You can access digital GP services through insurer apps or websites whenever you need. Learn more about the benefits of digital GPs in our blog.

5. Discounts and Rewards

Another great benefit of health insurance is the discounts and rewards. Many health insurers offer discounts that contribute towards a healthy lifestyle and can help you to make better choices. 

Some of the most beneficial discounts for our well-being include:

  • Discounted gym membership, including: Nuffield and PureGym, The Gym Group and Virgin Active
  • Discounted fitness products, such as FitBit fitness trackers, meal delivery services and mental health apps
  • Discount for activities, such as English Heritage and Spa days

Some insurers also offer reward schemes, where you receive discounts or savings by actively living a more healthy lifestyle – such as Vitality and Aviva.

With Vitality, you earn points by completing exercises and getting active, the more points you earn, the more benefits you can retrieve. It is a great way to stay motivated.

Aviva health insurance benefits also include a 'MyHealthCounts' scheme which involves completing an online health assessment to get your ‘Q score’ – a number used to calculate your discount. The higher your score, the lower your health risk.

You can then join one of their 12 week programmes which will give you advice and tips on how to improve key health areas. You could get you 15% off your next premium.

There are many benefits not to be missed within health insurance policies, which can benefit you beyond skipping waiting lists and being treated in a private hospital. These are designed with your health and well-being in mind and it's worth considering what's important to you and can benefit the rest of your life when deciding on a policy.

Whenever you’re ready to find your policy, our advisers will be ready to support you. You can fill out a quote and await a call from our team or get started now and give us a call on: 01285 864670